
Africa Bible Commentary is unavailable, but you can change that!

The Africa Bible Commentary is a unique publishing event—the first one-volume Bible commentary produced in Africa by African theologians to meet the needs of African pastors, students, and lay leaders. Interpreting and applying the Bible in the light of African culture and realities, it furnishes powerful and relevant insights into the biblical text that transcend Africa in their significance. ...

8:12–20 Jesus Defends His Testimony 8:21–30 Jesus, the Way Out of Death 8:31–38 Jesus, the True Liberator 8:39–47 Jesus, the Basis for Legitimacy in God’s Family 8:48–59 Jesus Makes Claims About Himself 9:1–41 Jesus Heals a Man Blind from Birth 9:1–12 The healing 9:13–34 The Pharisees interrogate the healed man 9:35–41 Blindness of the spirit 10:1–21 Jesus, the Good Shepherd, and His Flock 10:22–42 Jesus, a Safe Shelter for the Sheep 11:1–44 Jesus Raises Lazarus from the Dead 11:45–57 Jesus under
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